You Are What You Eat: So Eat Up!

It’s no secret that proper nutrition is imperative for optimimal function and overall health, but it is currently the biggest issue we face in our society. Many diseases are brought on and exaccerbated by lack of proper intake, often seen in extreme, but not uncommon cases such as anorexia, bulemia and obesity.

Many of you have likely heard of the “Energy Balance Equation” which is

According to the National Eating Disorders Association there are different definitions for different eating disorders. They are as follows:

Anorexia, Bulimia, & Binge Eating Disorder: What is an Eating Disorder?

Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder include extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues.

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.

Binge Eating DisorderBinge Eating Disorder (BED) is a type of eating disorder not otherwise specified and is characterized by recurrent binge eating without the regular use of compensatory measures to counter the binge eating.

Bulimia NervosaBulimia Nervosa is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting designed to undo or compensate for the effects of binge eating.

Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)
A person does not have to be diagnosed with Anorexia, Bulimia or BED to have an eating disorder. An eating disorder can include a combination of signs and symptoms but not meet the full criteria. Read more about the individual signs and symptoms in this handout.

Obesity (as defined by
We all know that we should eat properly, but it is more apparent that only the minority do. Our society is in a complete “health” craze with many drugs, habits, and extremes that are not health at all!

People lover. Personal training. Striving to leave a mark on the hearts of others; turns out it leaves an irremovable one on my own.