Silent Hour is designed to give the brain a break from continuous input, promote physical and mental wellness for our members and for our staff. Mental Health is critical to overall health, happiness, creativity, productivity and sustainability in our professional and personal lives.

This time is 60-90 minutes a day that we consider a sacred space in our center to recover physically and mentally. Maybe – you`ll even get your next best idea!

During Silent Hour, members are free to come in and meditate, nap, read, color, stretch, yoga, or simply breathe.

Our staff needs silence from the hustle-and-bustle high energy output they pour out each day to restore, practice their own wellness practice, or on busy days, work and create without disruption.

Drop Ins are welcome in our 2500 sq ft center to offer freedom, unguided and structured flexibility for anyone seeking wellness, clarity, perspective and health.

“Muddy water is best cleared when left alone.”


Choose your silent activity:

  • Nap
  • Meditate
  • Stretch
  • Yoga
  • Breathe
  • Foam Roll
  • Trigger Point
  • Color
  • Draw
  • Think
  • Qui Gong
  • Just Be

Healing Mind and Body with Silence.